Networking plays an important role in all marketing plans, and there is a more heightened importance on being able to network virtually during the pandemic. Client and Referral Partner Engagement Programs should be the basis of everyone’s networking and marketing plans, especially during challenging times. And of course, Social Media plays a role in virtual networking as do professional organizations, particularly committees within those organizations. 


Let’s define networking and review goal setting before taking a look at the
Best Practices of networking and marketing in a virtual world.



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Let’s start with a few questions…  The first is What is networking? 

Networking is businesswomen and men who are developing relationships with people and companies they may do business with sometime in the future. These connections help them establish rapport and trust among people in their own communities.

Successful business networking involves regularly following up with contacts to exchange valuable information that may not be readily available outside the network. Networking is a two-way street – it is intended not only to promote your own business interests, but ALSO to help others in their community do the same. Networking is not all that different in a virtual world. You still need to focus on…

  • Developing relationships

  • Establishing rapport & trust

  • Exchanging valuable info that may not be readily available outside the network

  • Following up continually and over time to become a ‘partner’

  • Promoting your own business interests and help others do the same


Next question is, What makes networking successful? 

Networking is not about selling, although there is a component of selling involved. Successful networking is about providing value to your partners and receiving value from them. And that is really good news. When you are networking, you don’t have to focus on doing a hard sell to everyone you meet. You do need a short but solid explanation of what you do, but more importantly, you need to listen and act upon what other people need.  That takes the pressure off as it is so much easier to give before you get.

#1 Key to Success:  Networking partners who provide value to one another!




This is an incredibly important question!  All too often, people will spent days/weeks/months networking but they don’t see any results from all that effort. If you sell ice and spend all your time networking with Eskimos, you will never reach your sales goals. On the other hand, if you spend all your time networking with bar owners in the FL Keys, you are likely to meet your sales goals. 

Start identifying who your ideal client actually is. Begin by specifying what your service actually is. Get really specific. For example, if you handle divorces, do you handle uncontested divorces? Divorce with or without custody issues? Specialize in same sex divorces? The more specific you are about the service you perform, the more likely you are to be able to identify your ideal client. 

Knowing who your ideal client is opens up the opportunity to seek them out. It also opens up the possibility to seek out referral partners who work with the same client but perhaps in a different industry. Knowing who you should be networking with is incredibly important! 


  • Goals motivate you - Having a clear, compelling goal mobilizes your focus toward actionable behavior. In other words, goal setting will motivate you.

  • Goals focus you on next steps - When you set a goal you naturally direct your attention toward a next step and, as a result, lead yourself in the right direction which forces your actions to follow.

  • Goals sustain momentum by providing feedback - Seeing progress is addicting. Just as a snowball grows in size as it’s rolled down a hill, momentum works the same way. Just think of the last time you were really “in the groove” where you said to yourself, “I’m on a roll!” That’s momentum. Conversely, if you aren’t reaching your goals, you feel an incentive to keep going until you reach it.

  • Goals keep you headed toward your long-term strategy - Just the process of setting goals, requires you to think about what you hope to accomplish both short and long term. Goals keep you focused on a desired outcome that is off into the future.

Start with goal setting!


We are all familiar with the SMART framework of goal setting: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Based. Detail what you are hoping to accomplish with you networking efforts by defining SMART goals…


  • Start 5 new divorces for middle income women with children within the next 3 months.

  • Land 1 case from a new insurance company & 1 more case from a past client within the next 3 months

  • Identify & develop 3 new referral partners in the business banking industry within the next 6 months

  • At least once each quarter, reach out to 100% of my contacts virtually until the pandemic has passed

  • To serve as databases, set up 2 simple Excel worksheets – 1 for current & past clients & the 2nd for current and past networking partners. Begin sending them a monthly newsletter with information that is relevant to them



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No matter what challenges your business is facing, or will face in the future, we are always here to help with a free 1-hour consultation on a business topic of your choice.



NO – Strategy is not different
but also…
YES – Tactics/tools are very different

With the foundation laid, we can discuss some simple plans to successfully network in a virtual world and beyond it. The strategy around networking is the same – it is just the tactics and tools that may be different, depending upon the situation.

For example:

  • Staying connected with clients (including past clients) and with referral partners is very important. BUT instead of seeing them at the CBC’s monthly luncheon, you need to reach out to them individually for a one on one call or video meeting.

  • Understanding your client/referral partners’ needs is very important at all times. AND right now, their needs may be very different than they were before the pandemic. If you have restaurant clients, before the pandemic, they may have needed you to bring other clients there for lunch. Now they may need information about eligibility for PPP money.

  • Before the pandemic, you may have gotten new clients through events that you ran. Not so much now, of course. Can you transition to a Facebook live event? Or can you reach out with a more compelling snail mail marketing piece?

  • You may have been participating in 3-5 networking groups before the pandemic. Now those groups may be faltering. Is this your opportunity to step up and become a leader in those groups? Helping to keep the networking going virtually, learning new technology and in the process meeting the next level up people who are sponsoring and setting up the groups? Besides becoming more valuable to every member of that group – you have just expanded your network to a whole new arena.

  • Is the pandemic actually an opportunity for you? Everyone is struggling to successfully network. Some people have given up and are waiting it out. Other people are trying to hold on to the old way – very unsuccessfully. If you can make the transition successfully or spend your time productively preparing for the flood of business to follow the re-opening – WOW! You may just have set your self up for more success than you have ever experienced.

What we are talking about is building you a networking/marketing plan that will get you through the pandemic and beyond. And to do that… let’s start with your most important asset - your clients, both past and current!




for Networking & Marketing in a Virtual World


Without question, no matter what anyone tells you, in good times and bad, in a pandemic and a period of robust health, the #1 way to get new clients is from your current/old clients. So let’s build a networking/client engagement plan for your current and past clients…

Step 1: Start with a simple database to quantify who/what/where you have in your client network. C

Step 2: Review the list client by client and make notes about:

  • What services could they use now? Are those different or an update from the ones you have already provided? An obvious example here is an update of healthcare directives. Do you provide these services or do you know who does?

  • What information could your clients use? Where can you get that information?

  • How can you get/deliver these services/information to your clients?

Now you are ready to put together a Client Engagement Plan…

Concept behind beginning a client engagement program now is this … ‘its easy to be a resource partner in the good times, we want to be there for you in the bad times too”.  Keep in mind that not all clients are of equal importance to your practice.  So think of them in basically 2 or 3 groups:

  • Group 1: your best present and former clients (maybe 25% of the overall)

  • Group 2: good clients that you would like to continue doing business with (74%)

  • Group 3: do not want additional business from them (1%)

Best 10-25 clients or however many you feel are appropriate:

1.    Individual contact within next 60 days - Can make this an out of the blue phone call or email with a request for a time to call (video or regular call) to ask, “How are you doing in the middle of all this?  How can we help?” 

2.    Six months after this contact, plan for another one, whether it be in person coffee, lunch, invitation to an event or dinner of interest to the client, etc.

3.    Engage on Social Media as appropriate and possible.

For all clients:

1.    Begin a monthly newsletter (email or snail mail) with a single news-you-can-use article and something else of use to your client. Maybe it’s a special to another client’s restaurant. Maybe it’s a link to a how to do zoom instructional video. How can you help clients help each other? The goal is for them to remember you are out there and are a resource to them

2.    Seasonal greetings twice a year. Not a gift, just a simple card.

3.    Figure a way that you can patronize/support their business in some way. For example:

·       If they run a computer repair shop, take your computer in.

·       Get your hair done at their salon.

·       Shop at the store where they work.

·       If it’s a nonprofit, sign up to give them $10 a month as a sustaining donor. Can you support them on Social Media?  How can you help?

This is not a difficult concept.  It doesn’t necessarily take that much money, but it does take time. If you only have so much time, spend it on this and in your Referral Partner Engagement Program. 



There is no need to re-invent the wheel here. The Client Engagement program we just discussed is the model for a Referral Partners Engagement program. It is even possible that the content will be the same depending on who your clients are and who the partners are.

The goals here, with both referral partners and with clients are to:

  • Stay top of mind with them. If they need your service, you want them to think immediately of you and be happy to pick up the phone and call you.

  • Show them you welcome their business and are grateful for it.

  • Build the relationship of trust by being there for them in the good times and bad

Hands down it will get the best results AND be the most rewarding way to do it.  You will be deepening relationships and building community.






  • Keep really good records beginning with an accurate and up-to-date database.

  • Embrace technology: Get comfortable on Zoom, Constant Contact, LinkedIn, etc.

  • Pick one other social media platform based on your clients/referral partners.

  • Be well prepared & actively engaged on all video meetings.



It is important for you to periodically update your bio across all platforms. Don't neglect LinkedIn!

Whether you like it or not, social media has become even more important in our virtual world.  And, by the way, it is a pretty easy way to reach out and research others.

Starting with your LinkedIn Profile, ensure that it is completely up-to-date. Here are some tips for maximizing this kind of engagement in a virtual world:

  • Pay attention to your linked in bio (likely be the most read version of your bio). Focus on the 1st three sentences. That’s what people see to begin with. Make your bio authentic, compelling & human.

  • Connect with your client, referral partners and people you meet networking on LinkedIn. This gives you a chance to set yourself apart from everyone else they met on the video.

  • Engage in discussion online. If you can, participate in some LinkedIn groups that are frequented by your clients and/or referral partners.

  • Carve out time to spend on LinkedIn, such as 15-30 minutes a day. Acknowledge and thank people, like their posts, repost things of interest. Support your connections.



Early on we talked about your ideal clients. Once you know who they are, figure out where they are. What organizations do they belong to?  It’s important to join those organizations, but not just to sell to them. It’s about genuinely listening, learning, contributing and then being in a position to benefit from the relationships that you have built. 

Right now, almost all organizations are hurting, and almost all organizations have converted to operating virtually. That gives you a real opportunity to become involved on the fast track.  They really need you! Join the organization, find a committee that meets your interests and your needs, become an active member of the committee.  Then reach out to every committee member for a one-on-one video session. 

  • Join an organization

  • Pick a committee

  • Become involved and contribute



Now is the time to try new strategies. For example, for people that you really want to connect with, but can’t think of a reason to reach out try this:

“My timing is not great. I met you just as a global pandemic was gearing up. Consequently, I haven’t gotten to know you. I am tired of waiting to connect and hear what’s next for you and tell you about my business. I am tired of no coffee, no muffin, no afternoon snack, no Perrier … I can’t go on like this. 🙂

So, I’ve decided to go back to scheduling interesting conversations, even if they have to be on Zoom. My plan is to go get both of us a muffin/coffee/snack at the closest Covington coffee shop or restaurant. I’ll drop it by at your place and then head to my office to start the video chat.
What do you think, are you in?

Not everything virtual has to be on the internet. People are looking at their snail mail again. Not that many people are mailing, so send a post card with a memorable message. Send a “hello, how are you” card. Think about what your clients/referral partners would like to see.

I know a number of people who have been very successful in joining virtual networking groups. It took them a while to find their feet, but they are true believers and intend to keep these sessions virtual even after the pandemic. They are time and money saving.

The overall suggestion is to be inventive:

  • I’ll drop off coffee…

  • Snail mail strategies

  • Look deeper into your every day life

  • Join a virtual networking group

  • Start an online group or event of your own



We are all in this together!

Yes. Networking and marketing have been different this past year and will likely continue being different for some time to come.  Truthfully, who knows what will happen next? 

But we do know, that everyone is in roughly the same spot.  We are all trying to figure it out.  That makes lots of people more receptive, more casual, and more open to doing whatever it takes to get it done.







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